6. Configure

In this section we will understand how to configure Iroha. Some configuration parameters must be the same in all the nodes (they are marked with *) and some can differ. Let’s take a look at example/config.sample


Starting with v1.2 irohad can also be configured via environment variables, not only via config file.

We will start with looking at config file and then look at how Iroha can be configured with environment parameters.

  "torii_port": 50051,
  "internal_port": 10001,
  "database": {
     "type": "rocksdb",
     "path": "/path/to/wsv/folder"
  "max_proposal_size": 10,
  "vote_delay": 5000,
  "mst_enable": false,
  "mst_expiration_time": 1440,
  "proposal_creation_timeout": 3000,
  "stale_stream_max_rounds": 2,
  "metrics": "",
  "healthcheck_port": 50508

As you can see, configuration file is a valid json structure. Let’s go line-by-line and understand what every parameter means in configuration file format.

6.3. Deployment-specific parameters

  • block_store_path (optional) sets path to the folder where blocks are stored. If this parameter is not specified, blocks will be stored in the database.
  • torii_port sets the port for external communications. Queries and transactions are sent here.
  • internal_port sets the port for internal communications: ordering service, consensus and block loader.
  • database (optional) is used to set the database configuration (see below)
  • pg_opt (optional) is a deprecated way of setting credentials of PostgreSQL: hostname, port, username, password and database name. All data except the database name are mandatory. If database name is not provided, the default one gets used, which is iroha_default.
  • log is an optional parameter controlling log output verbosity and format (see below).
  • utility_service (optional) endpoint for maintenance tasks. If present, must include ip address and port to bind to. See shepherd docs for an example usage of maintenance endpoint.
  • metrics (optional) endpoint to monitor Iroha’s metrics. Prometheus HTTP server listens on this endpoint. If present, must correspond format “[addr]:<port>” and could be for example “”, “9090”, or “:1234”. Wrong values implicitly disables Prometheus metrics server. There are also cmdline options `--metrics_port and --metrics_addr to override this parameter.
  • healthcheck_port (optional) endpoint for Iroha healthcheck. Sending a request to this endpoint in the form of http://<host>:<healthcheck_port>/healthcheck will return you information about the status of the node: current memory consumption (memory_consumption), current number of blocks (last_block_round), current count of reject rounds (last_reject_round), if the node is syncing information with a remote node at the moment (is_syncing), if the node is currently up (status).

There is also an optional torii_tls_params parameter, which could be included in the config to enable TLS support for client communication.

There, port is the TCP port where the TLS server will be bound, and key_pair_path is the path to the keypair in a format such that appending .crt to it would be the path to the PEM-encoded certificate, and appending .key would be the path to the PEM-encoded private key for this certificate (e.g. if key_pair_path is "/path/to/the/keypair" iroha would look for certificate located at "/path/to/the/keypair.crt" and key located at "/path/to/the/keypair.key")


Configuration field pg_opt is deprecated, please use database section!

The database section overrides pg_opt when both are provided in configuration.

Both pg_opt and database fields are optional, but at least one must be specified.

The database section fields:

  • host the host to use for PostgreSQL connection
  • port the port to use for PostgreSQL connection
  • user the user to use for PostgreSQL connection
  • password the password to use for PostgreSQL connection
  • working database is the name of database that will be used to store the world state view and optionally blocks.
  • maintenance database is the name of databse that will be used to maintain the working database. For example, when iroha needs to create or drop its working database, it must use another database to connect to PostgreSQL.

6.4. Environment-specific parameters

  • max_proposal_size * is the maximum amount of transactions that can be in one proposal, and as a result in a single block as well. So, by changing this value you define the size of potential block. For a starter you can stick to 10. However, we recommend to increase this number if you have a lot of transactions per second.

    This parameter affects performance. Increase this parameter, if your network has a big number of transactions going. If you increase max_proposal_size due to an inreased throughput, you can increase it independently. By increasing this parameter you can improve the performance but note that at some point increasing this value can lead to degradation of the performance.

  • vote_delay * is a waiting time in milliseconds before sending vote to the next peer. Optimal value depends heavily on the amount of Iroha peers in the network (higher amount of nodes requires longer vote_delay). ** We strongly recommend to set it to at least one second - otherwise when some of the peers are not easily reachable, the chain of blocks will grow very slowly or even stop growing.**

    This parameter only affects consensus mechanism. If your network is fast - you are good and this parameter does not effect your network much. But if your network is on a slower side, increase it to give more time for the peers to respond.

  • mst_enable enables or disables multisignature transaction network transport in Iroha. Note that MST engine always works for any peer even when the flag is set to false. The flag only allows sharing information about MST transactions among the peers.

  • mst_expiration_time is an optional parameter specifying the time period in which a not fully signed transaction (or a batch) is considered expired (in minutes). The default value is 1440.

  • proposal_creation_timeout (previously - max_rounds_delay)* is an optional parameter specifying the maximum delay between two consensus rounds (in milliseconds). The default value is 3000. When Iroha is idle, it gradually increases the delay to reduce CPU, network and logging load. However too long delay may be unwanted when first transactions arrive after a long idle time. This parameter allows users to find an optimal value in a tradeoff between resource consumption and the delay of getting back to work after an idle

    This parameter affects resource consumption. When you can expect Iroha to stay idle for longer periods of time and would like to save some resources, increase this value - it will make Iroha check for new transactions more rarely. NB: the first transaction after idle period might be a little delayed due to that. Second and further blocks will be processed quicker.

  • stale_stream_max_rounds is an optional parameter specifying the maximum amount of rounds to keep an open status stream while no status update is reported. The default value is 2. Increasing this value reduces the amount of times a client must reconnect to track a transaction if for some reason it is not updated with new rounds. However large values increase the average number of connected clients during each round.

    It is recommended to limit this parameter to make sure the node is not overloaded with streams.

  • initial_peers is an optional parameter specifying list of peers a node will use after startup instead of peers from genesis block. It could be useful when you add a new node to the network where the most of initial peers may become malicious. Peers list should be provided as a JSON array:

"initial_peers": [
    "address": "",
    "public_key": "bddd58404d1315e0eb27902c5d7c8eb0602c16238f005773df406bc191308929"

6.4.1. Good Practice Example

With even distribution we received quite good results - with 300k transactions sent in 5 minutes. Commit took from 2 seconds to 2 minutes. Please note that results always depend on number of peers in your network, its speed and parameters of the hosts on which the peers run.

Here is the configuration we used:

"max_proposal_size" : 10000,
"vote_delay" : 1000,
"mst_enable" : true,
"mst_expiration_time": 1440,
"proposal_creation_timeout": 500,
"stale_stream_max_rounds": 100000

6.5. Environment variables

Another way to configure Iroha is by using environment variables. Configuration file and environment variables can be combined. The parameters specified in the configuration file, if present, will override the ones that are set up through environment.

Here are some examples of how parameters will look like in

6.5.1. Unix

export IROHA_BLOCK_STORE_PATH=/tmp/block_store/
export IROHA_TORII_PORT=50051
export IROHA_PG_OPT="host= port=5432 user=iroha password=helloworld"
export IROHA_VOTE_DELAY=5000
export IROHA_MST_ENABLE=false
export IROHA_CRYPTO_PROVIDERS_0_CRYPTO_TYPE=ed25519_sha3_256
export IROHA_CRYPTO_PROVIDERS_0_PRIVATE_KEY=cc5013e43918bd0e5c4d800416c88bed77892ff077929162bb03ead40a745e88

6.5.2. Windows

setx IROHA_BLOCK_STORE_PATH C:\block_store

6.5.3. PowerShell


6.5.4. Parameter names

As you can see, the parameter names are not the same as in the configuration file.

They are formed from the config structure, fixed label IROHA is added to the beginning and everything is uppercased and joined with _. Let us look a bit closer at how they are structured:

With simple string values

In configuration file:

"block_store_path": "/tmp/block_store/"

In environment variables:


With arrays

Arrays are indexed starting with 0 and should be in direct order without skipping any numbers:

In configuration file:

"initial_peers": [
    "address": "",
    "public_key": "bddd58404d1315e0eb27902c5d7c8eb0602c16238f005773df406bc191308929"
    "address": "",
    "public_key": "bddd58404d1315e0eb27902c5d7c8eb0602c16238f005773df406bc191308920"

In environment variables:


Dictionaries with user-defined keys

User-provided dictionary keys are a bit trickier: the key and the value are set in separate variables. They can be illustrated on the example of configuring cryptography providers:

6.6. Crypto providers

Currently, HL Iroha supports one type of provider called default — it includes built-in crypto providers such as HL Iroha crypto library (with crypto type ed25519_sha3_256) and HL Ursa library of which Iroha currently supports crypto type ed25519_sha2_256.

Both of them take only the crypto_type and private_key as parameters.


We are working on adding other types, including hsm — for hardware security modules — they will have a different set of parameters which will be added here after the release.

6.6.1. Configuring crypto providers

To configure currently available crypto providers, you need to define the providers that might be used on the peer (see p1 and p2) and then choose the signer, that will be used to sign messages on this node:

In configuration file:

"crypto": {
  "providers": {
    "p1": {
      "crypto_type": "ed25519_sha3_256",
      "private_key": "cc5013e43918bd0e5c4d800416c88bed77892ff077929162bb03ead40a745e88",
      "type": "default"
    "p2": {
      "crypto_type": "ed25519_sha2_256",
      "private_key": "7bab70e95cb585ea052c3aeb27de0afa9897ba5746276aa1c25310383216ceb860eb82baacbc940e710a40f21f962a3651013b90c23ece31606752f298c38d90",
      "type": "default"
  "signer": "p1"

In environment variables:


6.7. Logging

In Iroha logging can be adjusted as granularly as you want. Each component has its own logging configuration with properties inherited from its parent, able to be overridden through config file. This means all the component loggers are organized in a tree with a single root. The relevant section of the configuration file contains the overriding values:

In configuration file:

"log": {
  "level": "trace",
  "patterns": {
    "debug": "don't panic, it's %v.",
    "error": "MAMA MIA! %v!"
  "children": {
    "KeysManager": {
      "level": "trace"
    "Irohad": {
      "children": {
        "Storage": {
          "level": "trace",
          "patterns": {
            "debug": "thread %t: %v."

In environment variables:

IROHA_LOG_PATTERNS_0="don't panic, it's %v."

Every part of this config section is optional.

  • level sets the verbosity. Available values are (in decreasing verbosity order):
    • trace - print everything
    • debug
    • info
    • warning
    • error
    • critical - print only critical messages
  • patterns controls the formatting of each log string for different verbosity levels. Each value overrides the less verbose levels too. So in the example above, the “don’t panic” pattern also applies to info and warning levels, and the trace level pattern is the only one that is not initialized in the config (it will be set to default hardcoded value).


Even if multiple patterns are specified for a single component, this component will use only one pattern — the one that corresponds to selected logging level. However, the patterns will be inherited and can be used in the child loggers.

  • children describes the overrides of child nodes. The keys are the names of the components, and the values have the same syntax and semantics as the root log configuration.