7.1. Running single instance¶
Generally, people want to run Iroha locally in order to try out the API and explore the capabilities. This can be done in local or container environment (Docker). We will explore both possible cases, but in order to simplify peer components deployment, it is advised to have Docker installed on your machine.
7.1.1. Local environment¶
By local environment, it is meant to have daemon process and Postgres deployed without any containers. This might be helpful in cases when messing up with Docker is not preferred — generally a quick exploration of the features. Run postgres server¶
In order to run postgres server locally, you should check postgres website and follow their description. Generally, postgres server runs automatically when the system starts, but this should be checked in the configuration of the system.
Postgres database server could be initialized and started manually without usual system integration:
Selected port 5433
(default is 5432) and database user iroha_user
are used by irohad to connect to database.
(see Configuration parameters for more reference). Maintenance database postgres
is created by default, but if for some reason another name required, create it: Run iroha daemon (irohad)¶
There is a list of preconditions which you should meet before proceeding:
- Postgres server is up and running
- irohad Iroha daemon binary is built and accessible in your system
- The genesis block and configuration files were created
- Config file uses valid postgres connection settings
- A keypair for the peer is generated
- This is the first time you run the Iroha on this peer and you want to create new chain
Have you got something that is not the same as in the list of assumptions? Please, refer to the section Dealing with troubles.
In case of valid assumptions, the only thing that remains is to launch the daemon process with following parameters:
Parameter | Meaning |
config | configuration file, containing postgres connection and values to tune the system |
genesis_block | initial block in the ledger |
keypair_name | private and public key file names without file extension, used by peer to sign the blocks |
Specifying a new genesis block using –genesis_block with blocks already present in ledger requires –overwrite_ledger flag to be set. The daemon will fail otherwise.
An example of shell command, running Iroha daemon is
irohad --config example/config.sample --genesis_block example/genesis.block --keypair_name example/node0
if you are running Iroha built with HL Ursa support please get the example keys and genesis block in example/ursa-keys/
If you have stopped the daemon and want to use existing chain — you should not pass the genesis block parameter.
7.1.2. Docker¶
In order to run Iroha peer as a single instance in Docker, you should pull the image for Iroha first:
docker pull hyperledger/iroha:latest
Use latest tag for latest stable release, and develop for latest development version
Then, you have to create an enviroment for the image to run without problems: Create docker network¶
Containers for Postgres and Iroha should run in the same virtual network, in order to be available to each other. Create a network, by typing following command (you can use any name for the network, but in the example, we use iroha-network name):
docker network create iroha-network Run Postgresql in a container¶
Similarly, run postgres server, attaching it to the network you have created before, and exposing ports for communication:
docker run --name some-postgres \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
-p 5432:5432 \
--network=iroha-network \
-d postgres:9.5 Create volume for block storage¶
Before we run iroha daemon in the container, we should create persistent volume to store files, storing blocks for the chain. It is done via the following command:
docker volume create blockstore Running iroha daemon in docker container¶
- There is a list of assumptions which you should review before proceeding:
- Postgres server is running on the same docker network
- There is a folder, containing config file and keypair for a single node
- This is the first time you run the Iroha on this peer and you want to create new chain
If they are met, you can move forward with the following command:
docker run --name iroha \
# External port
-p 50051:50051 \
# Folder with configuration files
-v ~/Developer/iroha/example:/opt/iroha_data \
# Blockstore volume
-v blockstore:/tmp/block_store \
# Postgres settings
-e POSTGRES_HOST='some-postgres' \
-e POSTGRES_PORT='5432' \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='mysecretpassword' \
-e POSTGRES_USER='postgres' \
# Node keypair name
-e KEY='node0' \
# Docker network name
--network=iroha-network \